South Carolina’s Best Incentive: Our Renowned Workforce & Training
As a state whose economy is built on manufacturing, South Carolina has taken extraordinary measures to ensure that we can provide a skilled workforce ready for the specific requirements of your company. Our training programs and technical college system are second to none, and the state is one of four in the nation to certify our workforce through the nationally recognized Work Keys® testing and certification program.

Our region of South Carolina offers some of the best tax and business incentives in the country to give your business the competitive edge to build your success here in South Carolina:
- WorkReady® Communities with the Industry-Ready Tested and Certified Workforce Your Company Needs
- Reliable Workforce Committed to Local Communities
- Unionization Rate Among Lowest in the Nation
- All High Schools in the Southern Carolina Region Utilize WorkKeys® Testing System for the Emerging Workforce
- Nationally Renowned readySC™ Worker Training Program Tailored to Your Specifications
- Innovative Apprenticeship Carolina™
- High Concentration of Industrial and Mechanical Engineers and Technicians
- High Concentration of Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators and Machinists
- Renowned University of South Carolina and Clemson University serve as our economic development partners, providing support in research and development at Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) and at the University of South Carolina’s McNair Space Center
- Clemson University’s Edisto Research and Education Center, located in Barnwell County, is renowned for their agribusiness research support
- The University of South Carolina has branch campuses in Allendale, Colleton and Jasper Counties
- Denmark Technical College, located in Bamberg County, offers satellite training centers in Barnwell and Allendale Counties
- Technical College of the Lowcountry offers technical training at their Jasper County campus
- Colleton County recently invested $3 million in their County Workforce Training Center where advanced skills training is offered in CNC, welding and a variety of manufacturing skills
- SouthernCarolina Alliance provides the tailored Advanced Manufacturing Skills Training Program to meet extraordinary training needs